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Our Reviews

Dear DJ Ray Ross, Thanks for DJ'ing our wedding ceremony on July 13th. Everyone had a great time and we appreciated the hard work you put into our reception. Thanks Again!

The Gibsons

Dear Earl, You performed our ceremony on Friday Sept 16th. I just want to thank you for making our ceremony so special, it was really nice, you made it fun & relaxing. Thanks again.

Bernie & Mary Ellen Radobicky

Dear Employees & Jeff Thank you so much for helping us have the perfect wedding. Everything from the food, decorations, cake and photographer was PERFECT! Service was great and I would recommend The Loft to anyone! Best wishes!

Brett & Shannon Bevers

Dear Jeff, We cannot thank you enough for all that you did for my sister's fund! When Terry told me, I cried. . . We are very [grateful] and words cannot express how much it means. Darcy & Ruben are overwhelmed with all the love and support!! God Bless

The Schneiders

Jeff & The Staff, Thank you so much for a beautiful wedding! We received so many compliments about the facility, ceremony, food and cake You all did a fantastic job and we can't thank you enough! We have the most wonderful memories to cherish for the rest of our lives!

Scott & Sheri Maas

Dear Jeff, Just wanted to let you know that we are very pleased with the pictures! We will have some more re-print orders coming, in addition to this one. Everything at The Loft, for our reception was beautiful. We had many people comment on how good the food was. Thanks for everything!

Nancy & John Butler

Jeff or Sandy I would like to thank you for such a great wedding day. Everything was so beautiful and perfect. The cake was so beautiful and tasted great. The food was the best I ever had [at] a wedding. Everyone in our famil[ies] loved everything about you[r] loft & chapel. . . I would & will tell all my friends that plan on getting married to check you out 1st. . . Jeff, I loved everything you did for the photography. I can't wait 'til I get the pictures. Thanks so very much for everything.

Scott & Sandy Skalecki

Dear Jeff and Sandra, Our heartfelt thanks and gratitude go out to both of you and the rest of your staff. On Saturday, November 26th, 2005, our daughter, Heather and her fiance, Eric were married in the chapel and held their reception at the Loft. It couldn't have been more beautiful. The ceremony was exactly what they had in mind (Earl did a lovely job). All of the photographs should be beautiful. The meal was so delicious. Many of our guests complimented the food! The reception was so much fun and the entire atmosphere of the chapel and banquet hall was so cozy and inviting. Again we received many, many compliments on how everyone felt so ""at-home"" and comfortable! Since our daughter lives out of state, the ease of planning for her was also a huge plus. The entire event was just what they had in mind. Thank you for making her day so very memorable!

Lynn & Carl Clausen

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