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Wedding Ceremony Pricing in Wisconsin

Choose The Loft and Chapel at Cedar Ridge to bring your special occasion to life within your budget. Our wedding ceremony pricing in Wisconsin offers excellent cost savings on all our event services. We can offer and fulfill all your wedding needs, from dining, photography, music, decorating, and beyond. Whether you want to get married inside or outside, we will provide you with the services you need at affordable rates.

Terrific Event and Celebration Prices

Our pricing includes the following:


The big hall costs $500, and the small hall costs $200. These prices include tables, chairs, linen, set up, and cleanup.


$595.00 for a minister, music, and candles. $545.00 when combining the buffet and reception. Rehearsal with the minister the day before the wedding is $150.00.

DJ and Music With Light Show

This costs $895.00 for six hours. The DJ and music must end at 1 a.m. We don't charge extra for dinner music.

Cake Cutting

For $75.00, you’ll receive plates, napkins, and forks. Cutting is included if you purchased your cake from us.

Wedding Cakes

$4.50 per person if your cake is decorated, tiered, and put on a pedestal with a fountain. Cake cutting, plates, forks, and napkins are provided.


Our sample packages include 200 to 210 4x6 prints for $1,295.00. The photos will capture events before and after your ceremony and posed and outdoor pictures.


Enjoy drinks from a personal bartender for $17.50 per hour.


Our in-house beer selection is offered at $255.00 per half or $160.00 per quarter.


We provide a quality wine selection at $22.00 per liter carafe with glassware included.


Stay refreshed during your wedding with soda that costs $2.50 per person.

Italian Sparkling Spumante

Add fizz to your drinks with Italian sparkling spumante at $22.00 per bottle, with a plastic hollow-stemmed glass included.


Please reach out to us regarding decorating pricing and specific details.


We require a $1,000 booking deposit and another $1,000 down four months before your event.

Decorated Dinning tables

Price Details of Our Dinner Buffet

Here is essential pricing information regarding our dinner buffet:

  • The buffet is $22.95 per person and includes plastic plates, linen tablecloths, and silverware.
  • We charge $25.95 per person for china plates, linen tablecloths, wine glasses, water goblets, and silverware.
  • Linen napkins are an extra $1.00 per person.
  • China cake plates cost an extra $1.00 per person.
  • Kids between one and five years old eat for free.
  • Kids between six and nine years old eat for half price.
  • Kids 10 and older eat for regular prices.
Wedding decoration

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Discounts

Our Friday and weekend discounts include the following:

  • Halls: Enjoy our halls for $250. We’ll include tables, chairs, 52-inch base linen with color overlay, and cleanup.
  • Buffett: Our buffet discount is $2.00 off per person and a third entre at no additional cost.
  • DJ Music With Light Show: Receive music and a light show for six hours for $795.00. Music must end at 1 p.m.
  • Cake Cutting: Weekend cake cutting is free and includes plates, forks, and napkins.
  • Photography: We offer 15% off all our photography packages.
  • Photo Booth: Get a photo booth for two hours. You’ll get one print for your guests and one for yourself, plus props and support staff for $400.

A Beautiful Wedding Within Your Budget

At The Loft and Chapel at Cedar Ridge, we go above and beyond to help couples achieve the wedding they’ve always wanted at affordable prices. When you reach out to us, we can discuss what you envision for your special day and create a plan to make it a reality. From choosing your décor and aesthetics to deciding on your buffet menu, we’ll support and guide you. With us, you’ll be able to celebrate your love with peace of mind.

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