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Full Event Decorating Services in Wisconsin

The Loft and Chapel at Cedar Ridge makes weddings look and feel absolutely beautiful. Our offerings include complete event decorating services in Wisconsin. We serve weddings, anniversaries, and other special occasions, providing the right style and aesthetics. From helping you choose your color palette, linens, patterns, and decorative elements to ensuring your event has a flawless look, achieving your dream wedding will be effortless with us.

Decoration for Event

Creating Unforgettable Event Designs and Atmospheres

Our event decoration services include:

  • Decoration Packages: Choose from various themes, palettes, and setups to arrange your event right.
  • Centerpieces: We offer stunning and affordable centerpieces that will look incredible on your tables.
  • Custom Candy Boxes: Our candy boxes contain delicious sweets and can be customized with personal photos.
  • Table Linens and Chair Covers: Select linens and chair covers that match your event’s colors, aesthetics, and themes.
  • Lighting Effects: You can display lighting in many colors and shades, creating the perfect ambiance.
Couples at wedding

Honor Your Special Day With Us

We love creating outstanding atmospheres for momentous occasions. Here are the types of events we decorate:

  • Weddings: From the ceremony to the reception, we’ll make your special day shine with stunning décor.
  • Anniversaries: Celebrate your love in a beautiful setting. We’ll provide an excellent atmosphere for honoring you and your love’s milestone.
  • Holidays: We decorate for all kinds of holidays and traditions. Our team will brighten your spirits or help you ring in the new year.

Choose the Perfect Wedding Package Today

The Loft and Chapel at Cedar Ridge offers affordable, customizable wedding decoration packages to craft and tailor your wedding’s appearance and ambiance. These packages include deals and savings on floral arrangements, table settings, lighting, themes, and other essential decorative elements. If you want to bring the wedding you’ve always imagined to life, your decoration package will help you do so in vivid detail. Our team will provide information about our wedding décor packages, enabling you to choose the one best suited for your needs.

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Bring Your Dream Event to Life