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Full Wedding Ceremony Services in Wisconsin

The Loft and Chapel at Cedar Ridge is a one-stop shop for wedding ceremony services in Wisconsin. We provide photography, decorating, catering, music, and bar services. Our offerings take a significant amount of wedding planning off your hands, so you can focus on other aspects of your special occasion carefree. You’ll be able to customize and personalize your special day with the help of our passionate, professional event planners and organizers.

Wedding Location

Your Source for a One-of-a-Kind Wedding

We provide comprehensive services for weddings and special events, including:

  • Ceremonial Services: Our ceremonial services include an in-house non-denominational minister, a beautiful chapel, an outdoor area, and a spacious room for hosting your reception.
  • Photography Services: We provide affordable, customized photography packages. Your photos will be taken by expert photographers who capture lasting memories.
  • Decorating Services: Create the atmosphere of your dreams with our decorating services. We can craft your wedding’s style and aesthetic to your desires.
  • Catering & Cakes: Delicious food and refreshing drinks await your guests. Our full-service catering offers something for everyone.
Bar decorated for event

Additional Event and Experience Services

From food, drink, music, and beyond, we can provide your party with accommodations and fun for a fantastic time. Our additional services include:

  • Catering: Our full-service buffet-style catering provides delicious, elegant meals and drinks on fine china or plastic ware.
  • DJ: Pump up and set the tone for your event with music. We can provide a DJ, dinner music, and a light show until 1 a.m.
  • Bar: We offer a full-service bar that serves thirsty guests foreign and domestic beer, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages.

Tailor Your Wedding Services to Your Needs

By choosing The Loft and Chapel at Cedar Ridge for your wedding venue and planning, you can tailor and personalize it, turning the day you’ve always envisioned into a reality. Choose our chapel for an intimate, moving ceremony, or celebrate your love on our outdoor grounds if the weather is nice. We encourage you to book a tour of our venue and discover what’s possible. Our team can answer any questions and get your event planning started right.

Contact Us

Bring Your Dream Event to Life